Source code for pytta.classes.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pytta.classes._instanceinfo import RememberInstanceCreationInfo as RICI
from pytta.classes.filter import fractional_octave_frequencies as FOF
from pytta.classes import SignalObj, OctFilter, ImpulsiveResponse
from pytta.utils import fractional_octave_frequencies as FOF, freq_to_band
from math import isnan
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import numpy as np
import time
import locale
from pytta import _h5utils as _h5
from pytta import _plot as plot
import copy as cp

# Analysis types and its units
anTypes = {'RT': ('s', 'Reverberation time'),
           'C': ('dB', 'Clarity'),
           'D': ('%', 'Definition'),
           'G': ('dB', 'Strength factor'),
           'L': ('dB', 'Level'),
           'mixed': ('-', 'Mixed')}

[docs]class Analysis(RICI): """ Objects belonging to the Analysis class holds fractional octave band data. It does conveniently the operations linearly between Analyses of the type 'Level'. Therefore those operations do not occur with values in dB scale. Available Analysis' types below. For more information see each parameter/attribute/method specific documentation. Creation parameters (default), (type): -------------------------------------- * anType (), (string): Type of the Analysis. May be: - 'RT' for 'Reverberation time' Analysis in [s]; - 'C' for 'Clarity' in dB; - 'D' for 'Definition' in %; - 'G' for 'Strength factor' in dB; - 'L' for any 'Level' Analysis in dB (e.g: SPL); - 'mixed' for any combination between the types above. * nthOct, (int): The number of fractions per octave; * minBand, (int | float): The exact or approximated start frequency; * maxBand, (int | float): The exact or approximated stop frequency; * data, (list | numpy array): The data with the exact number of bands between the specified minimum (minBand) and maximum band (maxBand); * dataLabel (''), (string): Label for plots; * error, (list | numpy array): The error with the exact number of bands between the specified minimum (minBand) and maximum band (maxBand); * errorLabel (''), (string): Label for plots; * comment ('No comments.'), (string): Some comment about the object. * xLabel (None), (string): x axis plot label; * yLabel (None), (string): y axis plot label; * title (None), (string): plot title. Attributes: ----------- * bands (NumPy array): The bands central frequencies. Properties: ----------- * minBand, (int | float): When a new limit is set data is automatic adjusted. * maxBand, (int | float): When a new limit is set data is automatic adjusted. Methods: -------- * plot_bars(): Generates a bar plot. """ # Magic methods def __init__(self, anType, nthOct, minBand, maxBand, data, dataLabel=None, error=None, errorLabel='Error', comment='No comments.', xLabel=None, yLabel=None, title=None): super().__init__() self.anType = anType self.nthOct = nthOct self._minBand = minBand self._maxBand = maxBand = data self.dataLabel = dataLabel self.error = error self.errorLabel = errorLabel self.comment = comment # Plot infos memory self.xLabel = xLabel self.yLabel = yLabel self.title = title return def __str__(self): return ('1/{} octave band {} '.format(self.nthOct, self.anType) + 'analysis from the {} [Hz] to the '.format(self.minBand) + '{} [Hz] band.'.format(self.maxBand)) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' f'anType={self.anType!r}, ' f'nthOct={self.nthOct!r}, ' f'minBand={self.minBand!r}, ' f'maxBand={self.maxBand!r}, ' f'data={!r}, ' f'comment={self.comment!r})') def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Analysis): if other.range != self.range: raise ValueError("Can't subtract! Both Analysis have" + " different band limits.") if self.anType == 'L': if other.anType == 'L': data = [] for idx, value in enumerate( d = 10*np.log10(10**(value/10) + 10**([idx]/10)) data.append(d) anType = 'L' elif other.anType in ['mixed', 'C', 'D', 'RT']: data = + anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented " + "for Analysis types " + anTypes[self.anType][1] + " and " + anTypes[other.anType][1] + ".") else: data = + anType = 'mixed' elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): if self.anType == 'L': data = [10*np.log10(10**(dt/10) + 10**(other/10)) for dt in] anType = 'L' else: data = + other anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented between " + "Analysis and {}".format(type(other)) + "types.") selfDataLabel = self.dataLabel if self.dataLabel is not None \ else 'Analysis 1' if hasattr(other,'dataLabel'): if other.dataLabel is not None: otherDataLabel = other.dataLabel else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' result = Analysis(anType=anType, nthOct=self.nthOct, minBand=self.minBand, maxBand=self.maxBand, data=data, dataLabel=selfDataLabel + ' + ' + otherDataLabel, error=None, errorLabel=None, comment=None, xLabel=self.xLabel, yLabel=self.yLabel, title=None) return result def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Analysis): if other.range != self.range: raise ValueError("Can't subtract! Both Analysis have" + " different band limits.") if self.anType == 'L': if other.anType == 'L': data = [] for idx, value in enumerate( d = 10*np.log10(10**(value/10) - 10**([idx]/10)) data.append(d) anType = 'L' elif other.anType in ['mixed', 'C', 'D', 'RT']: data = - anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented " + "for Analysis types " + anTypes[self.anType][1] + " and " + anTypes[other.anType][1] + ".") else: data = - anType = 'mixed' elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): if self.anType == 'L': data = [10*np.log10(10**(dt/10) - 10**(other/10)) for dt in] anType = 'L' else: data = - other anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented between " + "Analysis and {}".format(type(other)) + "types.") selfDataLabel = self.dataLabel if self.dataLabel is not None \ else 'Analysis 1' if hasattr(other,'dataLabel'): if other.dataLabel is not None: otherDataLabel = other.dataLabel else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' result = Analysis(anType=anType, nthOct=self.nthOct, minBand=self.minBand, maxBand=self.maxBand, data=data, dataLabel=selfDataLabel + ' - ' + otherDataLabel, error=None, errorLabel=None, comment=None, xLabel=self.xLabel, yLabel=self.yLabel, title=None) return result def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Analysis): if other.range != self.range: raise ValueError("Can't multiply! Both Analysis have " + "different band limits.") anType='mixed'* elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): anType='mixed'*other else: raise TypeError("Analysis can only be operated with int, float, " + "or Analysis types.") selfDataLabel = self.dataLabel if self.dataLabel is not None \ else 'Analysis 1' if hasattr(other,'dataLabel'): if other.dataLabel is not None: otherDataLabel = other.dataLabel else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' result = Analysis(anType=anType, nthOct=self.nthOct, minBand=self.minBand, maxBand=self.maxBand, data=data, dataLabel=selfDataLabel + ' * ' + otherDataLabel, error=None, errorLabel=None, comment=None, xLabel=self.xLabel, yLabel=self.yLabel, title=None) return result def __rtruediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Analysis): if self.anType == 'L': if other.range != self.range: raise ValueError("Can't divide! Both Analysis have" + " different band limits.") elif other.anType in ['mixed', 'C', 'D', 'RT']: data = / anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented " + "for Analysis types " + anTypes[self.anType][1] + " and " + anTypes[other.anType][1] + ".") else: data = / anType = 'mixed' elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): if self.anType == 'L': data = [10*np.log10(10**(dt/10) / other) for dt in] anType = 'L' else: data = other / anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented between " + "Analysis and {}".format(type(other)) + "types.") selfDataLabel = self.dataLabel if self.dataLabel is not None \ else 'Analysis 1' if hasattr(other,'dataLabel'): if other.dataLabel is not None: otherDataLabel = other.dataLabel else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' result = Analysis(anType=anType, nthOct=self.nthOct, minBand=self.minBand, maxBand=self.maxBand, data=data, dataLabel=selfDataLabel + ' / ' + otherDataLabel, error=None, errorLabel=None, comment=None, xLabel=self.xLabel, yLabel=self.yLabel, title=None) return result def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Analysis): if self.anType == 'L': if other.range != self.range: raise ValueError("Can't divide! Both Analysis have" + " different band limits.") elif other.anType in ['mixed', 'C', 'D', 'RT']: data = / anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented " + "for Analysis types " + anTypes[self.anType][1] + " and " + anTypes[other.anType][1] + ".") else: data = / anType = 'mixed' elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): if self.anType == 'L': data = [10*np.log10(10**(dt/10) / other) for dt in] anType = 'L' else: data = / other anType = 'mixed' else: raise NotImplementedError("Operation not implemented between " + "Analysis and {}".format(type(other)) + "types.") selfDataLabel = self.dataLabel if self.dataLabel is not None \ else 'Analysis 1' if hasattr(other,'dataLabel'): if other.dataLabel is not None: otherDataLabel = other.dataLabel else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' else: otherDataLabel = 'Analysis 2' result = Analysis(anType=anType, nthOct=self.nthOct, minBand=self.minBand, maxBand=self.maxBand, data=data, dataLabel=selfDataLabel + ' / ' + otherDataLabel, error=None, errorLabel=None, comment=None, xLabel=self.xLabel, yLabel=self.yLabel, title=None) return result # Properties @property def anType(self): """Type of the Analysis. May be: - 'RT' for 'Reverberation time' Analysis in [s]; - 'C' for 'Clarity' in dB; - 'D' for 'Definition' in %; - 'G' for 'Strength factor' in dB; - 'L' for any 'Level' Analysis in dB (e.g: SPL); - 'mixed' for any combination between the types above. Return: ------- string. """ return self._anType @anType.setter def anType(self, newType): if type(newType) is not str: raise TypeError("anType parameter makes reference to the " + "calculated parameter, e.g. 'RT' for " + "reverberation time, and must be a str value.") elif newType not in anTypes: raise ValueError(newType + " type not supported. May be 'RT, " + "'C', 'D', 'G', 'L', or 'mixed'.") self.unit = anTypes[newType][0] self.anName = anTypes[newType][1] self._anType = newType return @property def nthOct(self): """octave band fraction. Could be 1, 3, 6... Return: ------- int. """ return self._nthOct @nthOct.setter def nthOct(self, new): if not isinstance(new, int): raise TypeError("Number of bands per octave must be int") if '_nthOct' in locals(): if self.nthOct > new: raise TypeError("It's impossible to convert from " + "{} to {} bands".format(self.nthOct, new) + "per octave") else: raise NotImplementedError('Conversion between different ' + 'nthOct not implemented yet.') else: self._nthOct = new return @property def minBand(self): """minimum octave fraction band. When a new limit is set data is automatic adjusted. Return: ------- float. """ return self._minBand @minBand.setter def minBand(self, new): if type(new) is not int and type(new) is not float: raise TypeError("Frequency range values must \ be either int or float.") if new in self.bands: print("ATTENTION! Deleting data below " + str(new) + " [Hz].") self._minBand = new =[int(np.where(self.bands==new)[-1]):] else: adjNew = self.bands[int(np.where(self.bands<=new)[-1])] print("'" + str(new) + "' is not a valid band. " + "Taking the closest band: " + str(adjNew) + " [Hz].") self._minBand = adjNew =[int(np.where(self.bands==adjNew)[-1]):] return @property def maxBand(self): """maximum octave fraction band. When a new limit is set data is automatic adjusted. Return: ------- float. """ return self._maxBand @maxBand.setter def maxBand(self, new): if type(new) is not int and type(new) is not float: raise TypeError("Frequency range values must \ be either int or float.") if new in self.bands: print("ATTENTION! Deleting data above " + str(new) + " [Hz].") self._maxBand = new =[:int(np.where(self.bands==new)[-1])+1] else: adjNew = self.bands[int(np.where(self.bands<=new)[-1])] print("'" + str(new) + "' is not a valid band. " + "Taking the closest band: " + str(adjNew) + " [Hz].") self._maxBand = adjNew =[:int(np.where(self.bands==adjNew)[-1])+1] return # self._bandMax = new # return @property def range(self): return (self.minBand, self.maxBand) @property def data(self): """Fractional octave bands data. data must be a list or NumPy ndarray with the same number of elements than bands between the specified minimum (minBand) and maximum band (maxBand). Return: ------- NumPy ndarray. """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, newData): bands = FOF(nthOct=self.nthOct, freqRange=(self.minBand, self.maxBand))[:,1] self._minBand = float(bands[0]) self._maxBand = float(bands[-1]) if not isinstance(newData, list) and \ not isinstance(newData, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("'data' must be provided as a list or " + "numpy ndarray.") elif len(newData) != len(bands): raise ValueError("Provided 'data' has different number of bands " + "then the existent bands between " + "{} and {} [Hz].".format(self.minBand, self.maxBand)) # ... self._data = np.array(newData) self._bands = bands return @property def error(self): """error per octave fraction band. The error must be a list or NumPy ndarray with same number of elements as bands between the specified minimum (minBand) and maximum bands (maxBand); Shown as +-error. Return: ------- NumPy ndarray. """ return self._error @error.setter def error(self, newError): if not isinstance(newError, np.ndarray) and \ not isinstance(newError, list) and \ newError is not None: raise TypeError("'error' must be provided as a list, numpy " + "ndarray or None.") if newError is not None: if len(newError) != len( raise ValueError("'error' must have the same length as 'data'.") self._error = np.array(newError) else: self._error = newError return @property def dataLabel(self): """Label of the data. Used for plot purposes. Return: ------- str. """ return self._dataLabel @dataLabel.setter def dataLabel(self, newLabel): if newLabel is not None and not isinstance(newLabel, str): raise TypeError("'dataLabel' must be a string or None.") self._dataLabel = newLabel return @property def errorLabel(self): """Label of the error information. Used for plot purposes. Return: ------- str. """ return self._errorLabel @errorLabel.setter def errorLabel(self, newLabel): if newLabel is not None and not isinstance(newLabel, str): raise TypeError("'errorLabel' must be a string or None.") self._errorLabel = newLabel return @property def bands(self): """The octave fraction bands central frequencies. Return: ------- list with the fractional octave bands of this Analysis. """ return self._bands # Methods def _h5_save(self, h5group): """ Saves itself inside a hdf5 group from an already opened file via """ h5group.attrs['class'] = 'Analysis' h5group.attrs['anType'] = self.anType h5group.attrs['nthOct'] = self.nthOct h5group.attrs['minBand'] = self.minBand h5group.attrs['maxBand'] = self.maxBand h5group.attrs['dataLabel'] = _h5.attr_parser(self.dataLabel) h5group.attrs['errorLabel'] = _h5.attr_parser(self.errorLabel) h5group.attrs['comment'] = _h5.attr_parser(self.comment) h5group.attrs['xLabel'] = _h5.attr_parser(self.xLabel) h5group.attrs['yLabel'] = _h5.attr_parser(self.yLabel) h5group.attrs['title'] = _h5.attr_parser(self.title) h5group['data'] = if self.error is not None: h5group['error'] = self.error return
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot the analysis data in fractinal octave bands. Parameters (default), (type): ----------------------------- * dataLabel ('Analysis type [unit]'), (str): legend label for the current data * errorLabel ('Error'), (str): legend label for the current data error * xLabel ('Time [s]'), (str): x axis label. * yLabel ('Amplitude'), (str): y axis label. * yLim (), (list): inferior and superior limits. >>> yLim = [-100, 100] * title (), (str): plot title * decimalSep (','), (str): may be dot or comma. >>> decimalSep = ',' # in Brazil * barWidth (0.75), float: width of the bars from one fractional octave band. 0 < barWidth < 1. * errorStyle ('standard'), str: error curve style. May be 'laza' or None/'standard'. * forceZeroCentering ('False'), bool: force centered bars at Y zero. Return: -------- matplotlib.figure.Figure object. """ return self.plot_bars(**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_bars(self, dataLabel:str=None, errorLabel:str=None, xLabel:str=None, yLabel:str=None, yLim:list=None, xLim:list=None, title:str=None, decimalSep:str=',', barWidth:float=0.75, errorStyle:str=None, forceZeroCentering:bool=False, overlapBars:bool=False, color:list=None): """Plot the analysis data in fractinal octave bands. Parameters (default), (type): ----------------------------- * dataLabel ('Analysis type [unit]'), (str): legend label for the current data * errorLabel ('Error'), (str): legend label for the current data error * xLabel ('Time [s]'), (str): x axis label. * yLabel ('Amplitude'), (str): y axis label. * yLim (), (list): inferior and superior limits. >>> yLim = [-100, 100] * xLim (), (list): bands limits. >>> xLim = [100, 10000] * title (), (str): plot title * decimalSep (','), (str): may be dot or comma. >>> decimalSep = ',' # in Brazil * barWidth (0.75), float: width of the bars from one fractional octave band. 0 < barWidth < 1. * errorStyle ('standard'), str: error curve style. May be 'laza' or None/'standard'. * forceZeroCentering ('False'), bool: force centered bars at Y zero. * overlapBars ('False'), bool: overlap bars. No side by side bars of different data. * color (None), list: list containing the color of each Analysis. Return: -------- matplotlib.figure.Figure object. """ if dataLabel is not None: self.dataLabel = dataLabel if errorLabel is not None: self.errorLabel = errorLabel if xLabel is not None: self.barsXLabel = xLabel else: if hasattr(self, 'barsXLabel'): if self.barsXLabel is not None: xLabel = self.barsXLabel if yLabel is not None: self.barsYLabel = yLabel else: if hasattr(self, 'barsYLabel'): if self.barsYLabel is not None: yLabel = self.barsYLabel if title is not None: self.barsTitle = title else: if hasattr(self, 'barsTitle'): if self.barsTitle is not None: title = self.barsTitle fig = plot.bars((self,), xLabel, yLabel, yLim, xLim, self.title, decimalSep, barWidth, errorStyle, forceZeroCentering, overlapBars, color) return fig
[docs]class RoomAnalysis(Analysis): """Room monoaural acoustical parameters for quality analysis. Provides interface to estimate several room parameters based on the energy distribution of the impulse response. Calculations compliant to ISO 3382-1 to obtain room acoustic parameters. It has an implementation of Lundeby et al. [1] algorithm to estimate the correction factor for the cumulative integral, as suggested by the ISO 3382-1. This class receives an one channel SignalObj or ImpulsiveResponse and calculate all the room acoustic parameters. Available room parameters: D50, C80, Ts, STearly, STlate, EDT, T20, T30. Creation parameters (default), (type): ------------ * signalArray (ndarray | list), (NumPy array): signal at specified domain. For 'freq' domain only half of the spectra must be provided. The total numSamples should also be provided. * ir (), (SignalObj): Monaural room impulse response signal. * nthOct (1), (int): Number of bands per octave. The default is 1. * minFreq (20), (float): Central frequency of the first band. The default is 2e1. * maxFreq (20000) (float): Central frequency of the last band. The default is 2e4. * *args : () (Tuple): See Analysis class. * bypassLundeby (false), (bool): Bypass Lundeby calculation, or not. The default is False. * suppressWarnings (false), (bool): Supress Lundeby warnings. The default is True. * ircut (None), (float): Cut the IR and throw away the silence tail. The default is None. * **kwargs (), (Dict): See Analysis. Attributes (default), (data type): ----------------------------------- * parameters (), (Tuple): List of parameters names. return tuple(self._params.keys()) * rms (), (np.ndarray): Effective IR amplitude by frequency `band`. * SPL (), (np.ndarray): Equivalent IR level by frequency `band`. * D50 (), (np.ndarray): Room Definition by frequency `band`. * C80 (), (np.ndarray): Room Clarity by frequency `band`. * Ts (), (np.ndarray): Central Time by frequency `band`. * STearly (), (np.ndarray): Early energy distribution by frequency `band`. * STlate (), (np.ndarray): Late energy distribution by frequency `band`. * EDT (), (np.ndarray): Early Decay Time by frequency `band`. * T20 (), (np.ndarray): Reverberation time with 20 dB decay, by frequency `band`. * T30 (), (np.ndarray): Reverberation time with 30 dB decay, by frequency `band`. Methods: --------- * plot_param(name [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart with the parameter passed in as `name`. * plot_rms(label [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `rms` by frequency `bands`. * plot_SPL(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `SPL` by frequency `bands`. * plot_C80(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `C80` by frequency `bands`. * plot_D50(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `D50` by frequency `bands`. * plot_T20(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `T20` by frequency `bands`. * plot_T30(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `T30` by frequency `bands`. * plot_Ts(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `Ts` by frequency `bands`. * plot_EDT(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `EDT` by frequency `bands`. * plot_STearly(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `STearly` by frequency `bands`. * plot_STlate(label [str], yaxis [str], **kwargs): Plot a chart for the impulse response's `STlate` by frequency `bands`. For further information on methods see its specific documentation. Authors: João Vitor Gutkoski Paes, Matheus Lazarin, Rinaldi Petrolli,""" def __init__(self, ir: SignalObj, nthOct: int = 1, minFreq: float = 2e1, maxFreq: float = 2e4, *args, plotLundeby: bool = False, bypassLundeby: bool = False, suppressWarnings: bool = True, ircut: float = None, **kwargs): _ir = ir.IR if type(ir) == ImpulsiveResponse else ir minBand = freq_to_band(minFreq, nthOct, 1000, 10) maxBand = freq_to_band(maxFreq, nthOct, 1000, 10) nbands = maxBand - minBand + 1 super().__init__('mixed', nthOct, minFreq, maxFreq, nbands*[0], *args, **kwargs) = crop_IR(_ir, ircut) self._params = self.estimate_energy_parameters(, self.bands, plotLundeby, bypassLundeby, suppressWarnings, nthOct=nthOct, minFreq=minFreq, maxFreq=maxFreq) return
[docs] @staticmethod def estimate_energy_parameters(ir: SignalObj, bands: np.ndarray, plotLundeby: bool = False, bypassLundeby: bool = False, suppressWarnings: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Estimate the Impulse Response energy parameters. Parameters ---------- bypassLundeby : bool Whether to bypass calculation of Lundeby IR improvements or not. The default is False. suppressWarnings : bool If supress warnings about IR quality and the bypassing of Lundeby calculations. The default is False. Returns ------- params : Dict[str, np.ndarray] A dict with parameters by name. """ listEDC, fhSignal = cumulative_integration(ir, bypassLundeby, plotLundeby, suppressWarnings, **kwargs) params = {} params['rms'] = fhSignal.rms() params['SPL'] = fhSignal.spl() params['Ts'] = central_time(fhSignal.timeSignal**2, fhSignal.timeVector) params['D50'] = definition(listEDC, ir.samplingRate) params['C80'] = clarity(listEDC, ir.samplingRate) params['STearly'] = st_early(listEDC, ir.samplingRate) params['STlate'] = st_late(listEDC, ir.samplingRate) params['EDT'] = reverberation_time('EDT', listEDC) params['T20'] = reverberation_time(20, listEDC) params['T30'] = reverberation_time(30, listEDC) # self._params['BR'], self._params['TR'] = timbre_ratios(self.T20) return params
@property def parameters(self): """List of parameters names.""" return tuple(self._params.keys()) @property def rms(self): """Effective IR amplitude by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['rms'] @property def SPL(self): """Equivalent IR level by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['SPL'] @property def D50(self): """Room Definition by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['D50'] @property def C80(self): """Effective IR amplitude, by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['C80'] @property def Ts(self): """Central Time by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['Ts'] @property def STearly(self): """Early energy distribution by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['STearly'] @property def STlate(self): """Late energy distribution by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['STlate'] @property def EDT(self): """Early Decay Time by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['EDT'] @property def T20(self): """Reverberation time with 20 dB decay, by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['T20'] @property def T30(self): """Reverberation time with 30 dB decay, by frequency `band`.""" return self._params['T30'] # @property # def BR(self): # """Reverberation time with 30 dB decay, by frequency `band`.""" # return self._params['BR'] # @property # def TR(self): # """Reverberation time with 30 dB decay, by frequency `band`.""" # return self._params['TR']
[docs] def plot_param(self, name: str, **kwargs): """ Plot a chart with the parameter passed in as `name`. Parameters ---------- name : str Room parameter name, e.g. `'T20' | 'C80' | 'SPL'`, etc. kwargs: Dict All kwargs accepted by `Analysis.plot_bar`. Returns ------- f : matplotlib.Figure The figure of the plot chart. """ self._data = self._params[name] f = self.plot(**kwargs) self._data = np.zeros(self.bands.shape) return f
[docs] def plot_rms(self, label='RMS', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `rms` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('rms', dataLabel=label, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_SPL(self, label='SPL', yaxis='Level [dB]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `SPL` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('SPL', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_C80(self, label='C80', yaxis='Clarity [dB]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `C80` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('C80', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_D50(self, label='D50', yaxis='Definition [%]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `D50` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('D50', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_T20(self, label='T20', yaxis='Reverberation time [s]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `T20` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('T20', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_T30(self, label='T30', yaxis='Reverberation time [s]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `T30` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('T30', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_Ts(self, label='Ts', yaxis='Central time [s]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `Ts` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('Ts', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_EDT(self, label='EDT', yaxis='Early Decay Time [s]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `EDT` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('EDT', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_STearly(self, label='STearly', yaxis='Early reflection level [dB]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `STearly` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('STearly', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_STlate(self, label='STlate', yaxis='Late reflection level [dB]', **kwargs): """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `STlate` by frequency `bands`.""" return self.plot_param('STlate', dataLabel=label, yLabel=yaxis, **kwargs)
# def plot_BR(self): # """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `BR` by frequency `bands`.""" # return self.plot_param('BR') # def plot_TR(self): # """Plot a chart for the impulse response's `TR` by frequency `bands`.""" # return self.plot_param('TR') def _filter(signal, order: int = 4, nthOct: int = 3, minFreq: float = 20, maxFreq: float = 20000, refFreq: float = 1000, base: int = 10): of = OctFilter(order=order, nthOct=nthOct, samplingRate=signal.samplingRate, minFreq=minFreq, maxFreq=maxFreq, refFreq=refFreq, base=base) result = of.filter(signal) return result[0] # @njit def _level_profile(timeSignal, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, blockSamples=None): """Get h(t) in octave bands and do the local time averaging in nblocks. Returns h^2_averaged(block).""" def mean_squared(x): return np.mean(x**2) if blockSamples is None: blockSamples = 100 nblocks = int(numSamples // blockSamples) profile = np.zeros((nblocks, numChannels), dtype=np.float32) timeStamp = np.zeros((nblocks, 1)) for ch in range(numChannels): # if numChannels == 1: # tmp = timeSignal # else: tmp = timeSignal[:, ch] for idx in range(nblocks): profile[idx, ch] = mean_squared(tmp[:blockSamples]) timeStamp[idx, 0] = idx*blockSamples/samplingRate tmp = tmp[blockSamples:] return profile, timeStamp # @njit def _start_sample_ISO3382(timeSignal, threshold) -> np.ndarray: squaredIR = timeSignal**2 # assume the last 10% of the IR is noise, and calculate its noise level last10Idx = -int(len(squaredIR)//10) noiseLevel = np.mean(squaredIR[last10Idx:]) # get the maximum of the signal, that is the assumed IR peak max_val = np.max(squaredIR) max_idx = np.argmax(squaredIR) # check if the SNR is enough to assume that the signal is an IR. If not, # the signal is probably not an IR, so it starts at sample 1 idxNoShift = np.asarray([max_val < 100*noiseLevel or max_idx > int(0.9*squaredIR.shape[0])]) # less than 20dB SNR or in the "noisy" part if idxNoShift.any(): print("noiseLevelCheck: The SNR too bad or this is not an " + "impulse response.") return 0 # find the first sample that lies under the given threshold threshold = abs(threshold) startSample = 1 # # TODO - envelope mar/pdi - check! # if idxNoShift: # print("Something wrong!") # return # if maximum lies on the first point, then there is no point in searching # for the beginning of the IR. Just return this position. if max_idx > 0: abs_dat = 10*np.log10(squaredIR[:max_idx]) \ - 10.*np.log10(max_val) thresholdNotOk = True thresholdShift = 0 while thresholdNotOk: if len(np.where(abs_dat < (-threshold+thresholdShift))[0]) > 0: lastBelowThreshold = \ np.where(abs_dat < (-threshold+thresholdShift))[0][-1] thresholdNotOk = False else: thresholdShift += 1 if thresholdShift > 0: print("_start_sample_ISO3382: 20 dB threshold too high. " + "Decreasing it.") if lastBelowThreshold > 0: startSample = lastBelowThreshold else: startSample = 1 return startSample # @njit def _circular_time_shift(timeSignal, threshold=20): # find the first sample where inputSignal level > 20 dB or > bgNoise level startSample = _start_sample_ISO3382(timeSignal, threshold) newTimeSignal = timeSignal[startSample:] return (newTimeSignal, startSample) # @njit def _Lundeby_correction(band, timeSignal, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, timeLength, suppressWarnings=True): returnTuple = (np.float32(0), np.float32(0), np.int32(0), np.float32(0)) timeSignal, sampleShift = _circular_time_shift(timeSignal) if sampleShift is None: return returnTuple numSamples -= sampleShift # discount shifted samples numParts = 5 # number of parts per 10 dB decay. N = any([3, 10]) dBtoNoise = 7 # stop point 10 dB above first estimated background noise useDynRange = 15 # dynamic range # Window length - 10 to 50 ms, longer periods for lower frequencies and vice versa repeat = True i = 0 winTimeLength = 0.01 while repeat: # loop to find proper winTimeLength winTimeLength = winTimeLength + 0.01*i # 1) local time average: blockSamples = int(winTimeLength * samplingRate) timeWinData, timeVecWin = _level_profile(timeSignal, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, blockSamples) # 2) estimate noise from h^2_averaged(block): bgNoiseLevel = 10 * \ np.log10( np.mean(timeWinData[-int(timeWinData.size/10):])) # 3) Calculate preliminar slope startIdx = np.argmax(np.abs(timeWinData/np.max(np.abs(timeWinData)))) stopIdx = startIdx + np.where(10*np.log10(timeWinData[startIdx+1:]) >= bgNoiseLevel + dBtoNoise)[0][-1] dynRange = 10*np.log10(timeWinData[stopIdx]) \ - 10*np.log10(timeWinData[startIdx]) if (stopIdx == startIdx) or (dynRange > -5)[0]: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: SNR too low for the preliminar slope", "calculation.") # return returnTuple # X*c = EDC (energy decaying curve) X = np.ones((stopIdx-startIdx, 2), dtype=np.float32) X[:, 1] = timeVecWin[startIdx:stopIdx, 0] c = np.linalg.lstsq(X, 10*np.log10(timeWinData[startIdx:stopIdx]), rcond=-1)[0] if (c[1] == 0)[0] or np.isnan(c).any(): if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: regression failed. T would be inf.") # return returnTuple # 4) preliminary intersection crossingPoint = (bgNoiseLevel - c[0]) / c[1] # [s] if (crossingPoint > 2*(timeLength + sampleShift/samplingRate))[0]: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: preliminary intersection point between", "bgNoiseLevel and the decay slope greater than signal length.") # return returnTuple # 5) new local time interval length nBlocksInDecay = numParts * dynRange[0] / -10 dynRangeTime = timeVecWin[stopIdx] - timeVecWin[startIdx] blockSamples = int(samplingRate * dynRangeTime[0] / nBlocksInDecay) # 6) average timeWinData, timeVecWin = _level_profile(timeSignal, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, blockSamples) oldCrossingPoint = 11+crossingPoint # arbitrary higher value to enter loop loopCounter = 0 while (np.abs(oldCrossingPoint - crossingPoint) > 0.001)[0]: # 7) estimate background noise level (BGL) bgNoiseMargin = 7 idxLast10Percent = int(len(timeWinData)-(len(timeWinData)//10)) bgStartTime = crossingPoint - bgNoiseMargin/c[1] if (bgStartTime > timeVecWin[-1:][0])[0]: idx10dBDecayBelowCrossPoint = len(timeVecWin)-1 else: idx10dBDecayBelowCrossPoint = \ np.where(timeVecWin >= bgStartTime)[0][0] BGL = np.mean(timeWinData[np.min( np.array([idxLast10Percent, idx10dBDecayBelowCrossPoint])):]) bgNoiseLevel = 10*np.log10(BGL) # 8) estimate late decay slope stopTime = (bgNoiseLevel + dBtoNoise - c[0])/c[1] if (stopTime > timeVecWin[-1])[0]: stopIdx = 0 else: stopIdx = int(np.where(timeVecWin >= stopTime)[0][0]) startTime = (bgNoiseLevel + dBtoNoise + useDynRange - c[0])/c[1] if (startTime < timeVecWin[0])[0]: startIdx = 0 else: startIdx = int(np.where(timeVecWin <= startTime)[0][0]) lateDynRange = np.abs(10*np.log10(timeWinData[stopIdx]) \ - 10*np.log10(timeWinData[startIdx])) # where returns empty if stopIdx == startIdx or (lateDynRange < useDynRange)[0]: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: SNR for the Lundeby late decay slope too", "low. Skipping!") # c[1] = np.inf c[1] = 0 i += 1 break X = np.ones((stopIdx-startIdx, 2), dtype=np.float32) X[:, 1] = timeVecWin[startIdx:stopIdx, 0] c = np.linalg.lstsq(X, 10*np.log10(timeWinData[startIdx:stopIdx]), rcond=-1)[0] if (c[1] >= 0)[0]: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: regression did not work, T -> inf.", "Setting slope to 0!") # c[1] = np.inf c[1] = 0 i += 1 break # 9) find crosspoint oldCrossingPoint = crossingPoint crossingPoint = (bgNoiseLevel - c[0]) / c[1] loopCounter += 1 if loopCounter > 30: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: more than 30 iterations on regression.", "Canceling!") break interIdx = crossingPoint * samplingRate # [sample] i += i if c[1][0] != 0: repeat = False if i > 5: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: too many iterations to find winTimeLength.", "Canceling!") return returnTuple return c[0][0], c[1][0], np.int32(interIdx[0]), BGL # @njit def energy_decay_calculation(band, timeSignal, timeVector, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, timeLength, bypassLundeby, suppressWarnings=True): """Calculate the Energy Decay Curve.""" if bypassLundeby is False: lundebyParams = \ _Lundeby_correction(band, timeSignal, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, timeLength, suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings) _, c1, interIdx, BGL = lundebyParams lateRT = -60/c1 if c1 != 0 else 0 else: interIdx = 0 lateRT = 1 if interIdx == 0: interIdx = -1 truncatedTimeSignal = timeSignal[:interIdx, 0] truncatedTimeVector = timeVector[:interIdx] if lateRT != 0.0: if not bypassLundeby: C = samplingRate*BGL*lateRT/(6*np.log(10)) else: C = 0 sqrInv = truncatedTimeSignal[::-1]**2 energyDecayFull = np.cumsum(sqrInv)[::-1] + C energyDecay = energyDecayFull/energyDecayFull[0] else: if not suppressWarnings: print(band, "[Hz] band: could not estimate C factor") C = 0 energyDecay = np.zeros(truncatedTimeVector.size) return (energyDecay, truncatedTimeVector, lundebyParams) def cumulative_integration(inputSignal, bypassLundeby, plotLundebyResults, suppressWarnings=True, **kwargs): """Cumulative integration with proper corrections.""" def plot_lundeby(): c0, c1, interIdx, BGL = lundebyParams fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.08, 0.15, 0.75, 0.8], polar=False, projection='rectilinear', xscale='linear') line = c1*inputSignal.timeVector + c0 ax.plot(inputSignal.timeVector, 10*np.log10(inputSignal.timeSignal**2), label='IR') ax.axhline(y=10*np.log10(BGL), color='#1f77b4', label='BG Noise', c='red') ax.plot(inputSignal.timeVector, line, label='Late slope', c='black') ax.axvline(x=interIdx/inputSignal.samplingRate, label='Truncation point', c='green') ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [dBFS]') plt.title('{0:.0f} [Hz]'.format(band)) ax.legend(loc='best', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large') # timeSignal = inputSignal.timeSignal[:] # Substituted by SignalObj.crop in analyse function # timeSignal, sampleShift = _circular_time_shift(timeSignal) # del sampleShift # hSignal = SignalObj(timeSignal, inputSignal.lengthDomain, inputSignal.samplingRate) hSignal = _filter(inputSignal, **kwargs) bands = FOF(nthOct=kwargs['nthOct'], freqRange=[kwargs['minFreq'], kwargs['maxFreq']])[:, 1] listEDC = [] for ch in range(hSignal.numChannels): signal = hSignal[ch] band = bands[ch] energyDecay, energyVector, lundebyParams = \ energy_decay_calculation(band, signal.timeSignal, signal.timeVector, signal.samplingRate, signal.numSamples, signal.numChannels, signal.timeLength, bypassLundeby, suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings) listEDC.append((energyDecay, energyVector)) if plotLundebyResults: # Placed here because Numba can't handle plots. # plot_lundeby(band, timeVector, timeSignal, samplingRate, # lundebyParams) plot_lundeby() return listEDC, hSignal # @njit def reverb_time_regression(energyDecay, energyVector, upperLim, lowerLim): """Interpolate the EDT to get the reverberation time.""" if not np.any(energyDecay): return 0 first = np.where(10*np.log10(energyDecay) >= upperLim)[0][-1] last = np.where(10*np.log10(energyDecay) >= lowerLim)[0][-1] if last <= first: # return np.nan return 0 X = np.ones((last-first, 2)) X[:, 1] = energyVector[first:last] c = np.linalg.lstsq(X, 10*np.log10(energyDecay[first:last]), rcond=-1)[0] return -60/c[1] def reverberation_time(decay, listEDC): """Call the reverberation time regression.""" try: decay = int(decay) y1 = -5 y2 = y1 - decay except ValueError: if decay in ['EDT', 'edt']: y1 = 0 y2 = -10 else: raise ValueError("Decay must be either 'EDT' or an integer \ corresponding to the amount of energy decayed to \ evaluate, e.g. (decay='20' | 20).") RT = [] for ED in listEDC: edc, edv = ED RT.append(reverb_time_regression(edc, edv, y1, y2)) return np.array(RT, dtype='float32') def definition(listEDC: list, fs: int, t: int = 50) -> np.ndarray: """ Room parameter. Parameters ---------- sqrIR : np.ndarray DESCRIPTION. t_ms : int, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 50. Returns ------- definition : np.ndarray The room "Definition" parameter, in percentage [%]. """ t_ms = t * fs // 1000 definition = np.zeros((len(listEDC), ), dtype='float32') for band, pair in enumerate(listEDC): int_h2 = pair[0][0] # sum of squared IR from start to the end intr_h2_ms = pair[0][t_ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end int_h2_ms = int_h2 - intr_h2_ms # sum of squared IR from start to interval definition[band] = (int_h2_ms / int_h2) # sumSIRt = sqrIR.sum(axis=0) # total sum of squared IR # sumSIRi = sqrIR[:t_ms].sum(axis=0) # sum of initial portion of squared IR # definition = np.round(100 * (sumSIRi / sumSIRt), 2) # [%] return np.round(100 * definition, 2) # [%] def clarity(listEDC: list, fs: int, t: int = 80) -> np.ndarray: """ Room parameter. Parameters ---------- sqrIR : np.ndarray DESCRIPTION. t_ms : int, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 80. Returns ------- clarity : np.ndarray The room "Clarity" parameter, in decibel [dB]. """ t_ms = t * fs // 1000 clarity = np.zeros((len(listEDC), ), dtype='float32') for band, pair in enumerate(listEDC): int_h2 = pair[0][0] # sum of squared IR from start to the end intr_h2_ms = pair[0][t_ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end int_h2_ms = int_h2 - intr_h2_ms # sum of squared IR from start to interval clarity[band] = 10 * np.log10(int_h2_ms / intr_h2_ms) # [dB] # sumSIRi = sqrIR[:t_ms].sum(axis=0) # sum of initial portion of squared IR # sumSIRe = sqrIR[t_ms:].sum(axis=0) # sum of ending portion of squared IR # clarity = np.round(10 * np.log10(sumSIRi / sumSIRe), 2) # [dB] return np.round(clarity, 2) def central_time(sqrIR: np.ndarray, tstamp: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Room parameter. Parameters ---------- sqrIR : np.ndarray Squared room impulsive response. tstamp : np.ndarray Time stamps of each IR sample. Returns ------- central_time : np.ndarray The time instant that balance of energy is equal before and after it. """ sumSIR = sqrIR.sum(axis=0) sumTSIR = (tstamp[:, None] * sqrIR).sum(axis=0) central_time = (sumTSIR / sumSIR) * 1000 # milisseconds return central_time def st_early(listEDC: list, fs: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Room parameter. Parameters ---------- sqrIR : np.ndarray DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- STearly : np.ndarray DESCRIPTION. """ ms = fs // 1000 STearly = np.zeros((len(listEDC), ), dtype='float32') for band, pair in enumerate(listEDC): int_h2 = pair[0][0] # sum of squared IR from start to the end intr_h2_10ms = pair[0][10 * ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end int_h2_10ms = int_h2 - intr_h2_10ms intr_h2_20ms = pair[0][20 * ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end intr_h2_100ms = pair[0][100 * ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end int_h2_20a100ms = intr_h2_20ms - intr_h2_100ms STearly[band] = 10 * np.log10(int_h2_20a100ms / int_h2_10ms) # [dB] # sum10ms = sqrIR[:int(10 * ms)].sum(axis=0) # sum20ms = sqrIR[int(20 * ms):int(100 * ms)].sum(axis=0) # STearly = 10 * np.log10(sum20ms / sum10ms) return np.round(STearly, 4) def st_late(listEDC: list, fs: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Room parameter. Parameters ---------- sqrIR : np.ndarray DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- STlate : np.ndarray DESCRIPTION. """ ms = fs // 1000 STlate = np.zeros((len(listEDC), ), dtype='float32') for band, pair in enumerate(listEDC): int_h2 = pair[0][0] # sum of squared IR from start to the end intr_h2_10ms = pair[0][10 * ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end int_h2_10ms = int_h2 - intr_h2_10ms # sum of squared IR from start to interval intr_h2_100ms = pair[0][100 * ms] # sum of squared IR from the interval to the end STlate[band] = 10 * np.log10(intr_h2_100ms / int_h2_10ms) # [dB] # sum10ms = sqrIR[:int(10 * ms)].sum(axis=0) # sum100ms = sqrIR[int(100 * ms):int(1000 * ms)].sum(axis=0) # STlate = 10 * np.log10(sum100ms / sum10ms) return np.round(STlate, 4) def crop_IR(SigObj, IREndManualCut): """Cut the impulse response at background noise level.""" timeSignal = cp.copy(SigObj.timeSignal) timeVector = SigObj.timeVector samplingRate = SigObj.samplingRate numSamples = SigObj.numSamples # numChannels = SigObj.numChannels if SigObj.numChannels > 1: print('crop_IR: The provided impulsive response has more than one ' + 'channel. Cropping based on channel 1.') numChannels = 1 # Cut the end automatically or manual if IREndManualCut is None: winTimeLength = 0.1 # [s] meanSize = 5 # [blocks] dBtoReplica = 6 # [dB] blockSamples = int(winTimeLength * samplingRate) timeWinData, timeVecWin = _level_profile(timeSignal, samplingRate, numSamples, numChannels, blockSamples) endTimeCut = timeVector[-1] for blockIdx, blockAmplitude in enumerate(timeWinData): if blockIdx >= meanSize: anteriorMean = 10*np.log10( \ np.sum(timeWinData[blockIdx-meanSize:blockIdx])/meanSize) if 10*np.log10(blockAmplitude) > anteriorMean+dBtoReplica: endTimeCut = timeVecWin[blockIdx-meanSize//2] break else: endTimeCut = IREndManualCut endTimeCutIdx = np.where(timeVector >= endTimeCut)[0][0] timeSignal = timeSignal[:endTimeCutIdx] # Cut the start automatically timeSignal, _ = _circular_time_shift(timeSignal) result = SignalObj(timeSignal, 'time', samplingRate, signalType='energy') return result