API documentation

PyTTa is now a multi-paradigm toolbox, which may change in the future. We aim from now on to be more Pythonic, and therefore more object-oriented. For now, we have classes and functions operating together to provide a working environment for acoustical measurements and post-processing.

The toolbox’ structure is presented next.


  • pytta.classes:

    main classes intended to do measurements (Rec, PlayRec and FRFMeasurement), handle signals/processed data (SignalObj and Analysis), handle streaming functionalities (Monitor and Streaming), filter (OctFilter), communicate with some hardware (LJU3EI1050), and also intended for new features whose should have an object-oriented implementation. The main classes are called from the toolbox’s top-level (e.g. pytta.SignalObj, pytta.Analysis, …);

  • pytta.utils:

    contains simple tools which help to keep things modularized and make more accessible the reuse of some operations. Intended to hold tools (classes and functions) whose operate built-in python classes, NumPy arrays, and other stuff not contained by the pytta.classes subpackage;

  • pytta.apps:

    applications built from the toolbox’s functionalities. The apps are called from the top-level (e.g. pytta.roomir);


  • pytta.functions:

    assistant functions intended to manipulate and visualize multiple signals and analyses stored as SignalObj and Analysis objects. These functions are called from the toolbox’s top-level (e.g. pytta.plot_time, pytta.plot_waterfall, …);

  • pytta.generate:

    functions for signal synthesis and measurement configuration;

  • pytta.rooms:

    room acoustics parameters calculation according to ISO 3382-1;

  • pytta.iso3741:

    calculations according to the standard;