
As to provide an user friendly signal measurement package, a few default values where assigned to the main classes and functions.

These values where set using a dict called “default”, and are passed to all PyTTa functions through the Default class object

>>> import pytta
>>> pytta.default()

The default values can be set differently using both declaring method, or the set_default() function

>>> pytta.default.propertyName = propertyValue
>>> pytta.default.set_defaults(propertyName1 = propertyValue1,
>>>                            ... ,
>>>                            propertyNameN = propertyValueN
>>>                            )

The main difference is that using the set_default() function, a list of properties can be set at the same time

The default device start as the one set default at the user’s OS. We recommend changing it’s value to the desired audio in/out device, as it can be identified using list_devices() method

>>> pytta.list_devices()

@author: - João Vitor Gutkoski Paes,


alias of <pytta._properties.Default object>