Source code for pytta.classes.streaming

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provide real time audio playback and recording, with special classes to
concurrently read input audio.


import numpy as np
import sounddevice as sd
#import multiprocessing as mp
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import Event, Thread
from typing import Optional, Callable, List, Type, Union
from pytta import default, utils
from pytta.classes._base import PyTTaObj, ChannelsList
from pytta.classes.signal import SignalObj

# TO DO: format docs

[docs]class Monitor(object): """PyTTa default Monitor base class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, numsamples: int, samplingrate: int = default.samplingRate, numchannels: List[int] = [len(default.inChannel), len(default.outChannel)], datatype: str = 'float32'): """ Default Monitor class. Subclasses must override `setup`, `callback` and `tear_down` methods. Parameters ---------- numsamples : int DESCRIPTION. samplingrate : int, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is default.samplingRate. numchannels : List[int], optional DESCRIPTION. The default is [len(default.inChannel), len(default.outChannel)]. datatype : str, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'float32'. Returns ------- None. """ self.samplingRate = samplingrate self.numChannels = numchannels self.numSamples = numsamples self.loopDuration = self.numSamples / self.samplingRate self.dtype = datatype return
[docs] def setup(self): """Start up widgets, threads, anything that will be used during audio processing.""" self.inData = np.empty((self.numSamples, self.numChannels[0]), dtype=self.dtype) self.outData = np.empty((self.numSamples, self.numChannels[1]), dtype=self.dtype) = utils.ColorStr("white", "red") = utils.ColorStr("white", "green") self.yellow = utils.ColorStr("black", "yellow") self.reset() #print('\r\tinput: 00.00 dB\toutput: 00.00 dB\t', end='\r') return
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset write counter.""" self.counter = int() return
[docs] def callback(self, frames: int, indata: np.ndarray, outdata: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """The audio processing itself, will be called for every chunk of data taken from the queue.""" if self.counter >= self.samplingRate//8: indB = utils.arr2dB(self.inData) outdB = utils.arr2dB(self.outData) if indB >= -3: indBstr ='{indB: ^8.1f}') elif indB >= -10 and indB < -3: indBstr = self.yellow(f'{indB: ^8.1f}') else: indBstr ='{indB: ^8.1f}') if outdB >= -3: outdBstr ='{outdB: ^8.1f}') elif outdB >= -10 and outdB < -3: outdBstr = self.yellow(f'{outdB: ^8.1f}') else: outdBstr ='{outdB: ^8.1f}') print(f'\r\tinput: {indBstr} dB\toutput: {outdBstr} dB\t', end='\r') self.reset() else: writeIn = self.inData.shape[0] - self.counter \ if self.counter + frames > self.inData.shape[0] \ else frames writeOut = self.outData.shape[0] - self.counter \ if self.counter + frames > self.outData.shape[0] \ else frames self.inData[self.counter:self.counter + writeIn] = indata[:writeIn] \ if indata is not None else 0 self.outData[self.counter:self.counter + writeOut] = outdata[:writeOut] \ if outdata is not None else 0 self.counter += frames return
[docs] def tear_down(self): """Finish any started object here, like GUI members, to allow the Monitor parallel process be joined.""" print() return
# Streaming class
[docs]class Streaming(PyTTaObj): """Stream control."""
[docs] def __init__(self, IO: str, samplingRate: int, device: int, datatype: str = 'float32', blocksize: int = 0, inChannels: Optional[ChannelsList] = None, outChannels: Optional[ChannelsList] = None, excitation: Optional[SignalObj] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, numSamples: Optional[int] = None, monitor: Optional[Monitor] = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Manage input and output of audio. Args: IO (str): DESCRIPTION. msmnt (Measurement): DESCRIPTION. datatype (str, optional): DESCRIPTION. Defaults to 'float32'. blocksize (int, optional): DESCRIPTION. Defaults to 0. duration (Optional[float], optional): DESCRIPTION. Defaults to 5. monitor (Optional[Monitor], optional): DESCRIPTION. Defaults to None. *args (TYPE): DESCRIPTION. **kwargs (TYPE): DESCRIPTION. Returns: None. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._IO = IO.upper() self._samplingRate = samplingRate # registers samples per second self._dataType = datatype # registers data type self._blockSize = blocksize # registers blocksize self._device = device if (type(duration) is float) or (type(duration) is int): self._durationInSamples = int(np.ceil(duration*self.samplingRate)) else: self._durationInSamples = numSamples self._duration = self.durationInSamples / self.samplingRate self.isFinished = Event() # block until finished self.hasMonitor = Event() # prevent threading if no monitor self.isRunning = Event() # stream and monitor synchronization self.statuses = [] # will register statuses passed by stream if 'I' in self.IO: self.inChannels = inChannels self.recData = np.empty((self.durationInSamples, self.numInChannels), dtype=self.dataType) if 'O' in self.IO: self.outChannels = outChannels self.playData = excitation.timeSignal[:] self.dataCount = int(0) self.set_monitoring(monitor) return
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Provide context functionality, the `with` keyword, e.g. >>> with Streaming(*args, **kwargs) as strm: # <-- called here ... strm.playrec() ... >>> """ return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type: Type, exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: Type): """ Provide context functionality, the `with` keyword, e.g. >>> with Streaming(*args, **kwargs) as strm: ... strm.playrec() ... # <-- called here >>> """ if exc_tb: raise exc_val else: return
[docs] def set_io_properties(self, io: str, channels: ChannelsList): """ Allocate memory for input and output of data, set counter. Args: msmnt (TYPE): DESCRIPTION. Returns: None. """ return
[docs] def set_monitoring(self, monitor: Monitor = None): """ Set up the class used as monitor. It must have the following methods with these names. def setup(None) -> None: _Call any function and other object configuration needed for the monitoring_ return def callback(indata: np.ndarray, outdata: np.ndarray, frames: int, status: sd.CallbackFlags) -> None: _Process the data gathered from the stream_ return It will be called from within a parallel process that the Recorder starts and terminates during it's .run() call. :param monitor: Object or class that will be used to monitor the stream data flow. :type monitor: object """ if monitor is None: self.hasMonitor.clear() # ensure False else: self.hasMonitor.set() # set to True self.queue = Queue() # data queueing for monitor self.monitor = monitor return
def _monitoring_thread_loop(self, monitor, running, queue, statuses): """ Monitor loop. This is the place where the parallel processing occurs, the income of data and the calling for the callback function. Tear down after loop breaks. Returns: None. """ monitor.setup() # calls the Monitor function to set up itself running.wait() while running.is_set(): sd.sleep(int(monitor.loopDuration * 1000)) while True: try: indata, outdata, frames, status = queue.get_nowait() # get from queue if status: # check any status statuses.append(status) # saves the last monitor.callback(frames, indata, outdata) # calls for monitoring function except Empty: # if queue has no data break monitor.tear_down() return
[docs] def runner(self, StreamType: Type, stream_callback: Callable, numchannels: Union[List[int], int]): """ Do the work. Instantiates a sounddevice.*Stream and calls for a threading.Thread if any Monitor is set up. Then turn on the monitorCheck Event, and starts the stream. Waits for it to finish, unset the event And terminates the process :return: :rtype: """ self.isFinished.clear() if self.hasMonitor.is_set(): t = Thread(target=self._monitoring_thread_loop, args=(self.monitor, self.isRunning, self.queue, self.statuses)) t.start() with StreamType(samplerate=self.samplingRate, # frames per second blocksize=self.blockSize, # frames per call device=self.device, # I/O devices channels=numchannels, # number of channels FIXME: mapping dtype=self.dataType, # type of sample data latency='low', # request lowest possible latency dither_off=True, # disable PortAudio dithering clip_off=True, # disable PortAudio clipping callback=stream_callback, # callback for each type finished_callback=self._end_of_stream): # called after Abort or Stop stream self.isRunning.set() self.isFinished.wait() self.isRunning.clear() if self.hasMonitor.is_set(): t.join() return
def _register_input_data(self, cbInput, frames): writesLeft = self.recData.shape[0] - self.dataCount - 1 framesWrite = writesLeft+1 if writesLeft < frames else frames self.recData[self.dataCount:framesWrite + self.dataCount, :] = cbInput[:framesWrite] return def _register_output_data(self, cbOutput, frames): readsLeft = self.playData.shape[0] - self.dataCount - 1 framesRead = readsLeft+1 if readsLeft < frames else frames cbOutput[:framesRead] = self.playData[self.dataCount:framesRead + self.dataCount, :] cbOutput[framesRead:].fill(0.) return def _end_of_callback(self, indata, outdata, frames, status): if self.hasMonitor.is_set(): self.queue.put_nowait([indata.copy() if indata is not None else None, outdata.copy() if outdata is not None else None, frames, status]) self.dataCount += frames if self.dataCount >= self.durationInSamples: raise sd.CallbackStop return def _end_of_stream(self): self.isFinished.set() return
[docs] def input_callback(self, indata: np.ndarray, frames: int, times: type, status: sd.CallbackFlags): """This method will be called from the stream, as stated on sounddevice's documentation.""" self._register_input_data(indata, frames) self._end_of_callback(indata, None, frames, status) return
[docs] def output_callback(self, outdata: np.ndarray, frames: int, times: type, status: sd.CallbackFlags): """This method will be called from the stream, as stated on sounddevice's documentation.""" self._register_output_data(outdata, frames) self._end_of_callback(None, outdata, frames, status) return
[docs] def stream_callback(self, indata: np.ndarray, outdata: np.ndarray, frames: int, time: type, status: sd.CallbackFlags): """This method will be called from the stream, as stated on sounddevice's documentation.""" self._register_output_data(outdata, frames) self._register_input_data(indata, frames) self._end_of_callback(indata, outdata, frames, status) return
def play(self): self.runner(sd.OutputStream, self.output_callback, self.numOutChannels) self.dataCount = int() return def record(self): self.runner(sd.InputStream, self.input_callback, self.numInChannels) self.dataCount = int() return self.recData def playrec(self): self.runner(sd.Stream, self.stream_callback, self.numChannels) self.dataCount = int() return self.recData @property def IO(self): return self._IO @property def device(self): return self._device @property def blockSize(self): return self._blockSize @property def dataType(self): return self._dataType @property def duration(self): return self._durationInSamples/self.samplingRate @property def durationInSamples(self): return self._durationInSamples @property def numInChannels(self): return len(self.inChannels) @property def numOutChannels(self): return len(self.outChannels) @property def numChannels(self): if self.IO == 'I': return self.numInChannels elif self.IO == 'O': return self.numOutChannels elif self.IO == 'IO': return self.numInChannels, self.numOutChannels